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Anshul Kahar



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$: /whoami

open to opportunities

Welcome to my digital abode!

I am Anshul, a full stack developer with a passion for building scalable and user-friendly web applications. I love to create elegant solutions to complex problems.
I am proficient in building web-apps using NextJS, tRPC, React, Prisma, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Node. js, Express JS.


Full Stack Developer

at, Mavysoft

Jan, 2024 - Apr, 2024

  • Contributed to the development of UI and components using ReactJS for cryptocurrency marketplace, where users can create an offer to buy and sell their favourite cryptocurrency on the platform.
  • Created an admin panel using ReactJS and NodeJS for the platform to manage users, offers, and transactions.



Learnify - LMS

Learnify is a nextJS LMS (Learning management system) which is used to create, deliver, and manage online courses.Instructors can create and structure courses with learning modules and learners can access course materials, lectures, videos

tech stack used:skillsskillsskillsskillsskillsskills

DiscussIt - Share your thoughts

Discussit is a platform where you can post your opinion and thoughts in a corresponding community, vote on posts and comments and reply to each other's opinions.

tech stack used:skillsskillsskillsskillsskillsskills

Video call app - using webRTC

Immerse yourself in conversations that feel like you're face-to-face using webRTC and socketIO to emit and listen to different events while developing the web app.

tech stack used:skillsskillsskillsskills


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website designed and developed by anshul